March 2011
We have made contact with a school in the Mahottari district of Nepal,.
in the Terai, South East of Kathmandu. It is a lower secondary school,
in a region where we are helping a number of people.
Larger Map
The school seems to support the aims of Ashraya Nepal by catering for
children of the lower castes and encouraging girls to attend . The school
is built either side of a track along which bullock carts are often seen
Click on an image to enlarge
A view outside in the road. A PE lesson?
Evening sun on an empty school
Another view
Here are views of typical classrooms
Sitting on benches at least
They seem to be able to make lots of notes
The blackboard
The staff
All the staff
The head
Outside in the playground
With the help of our sponsors we are going to help improve facilities here. We are going to start by installing whiteboards in all ten classrooms.
Previous newsletters
December 2010
October 2010
April 2010
December 2009
October 2009
August 2009
March 2009
