Our Work
Ashraya Nepal aims to give assistance to 'dalit' women
and girls in the region of Nepal close to Janakpur. The focus of our work
so far has been on a small number of girls who have lost parents and to
two schools.
1 We have sponsored individual young people to keep them
at school, usually by paying the school for their dinner money (tiffin), their
admission fees and their stationery expenses. We have extended this
activity in the villages where we are working by giving assistance to another seven lower caste girls in Ramnager. In
one extreme case we payed for a boy's hospital treatment, he had contracted
dengue fever and was close to death.
2 We
have set up a home in Kathmandu to house orphan children or others where
parents are unable to cope. This at first accomodated four but has now
been extended to six girls. Here is a photograph of two recent arrivals,
Sajita and Asmita, both from the Siraha district, east of Dhanusha. All the girls attend the local school and are given
extra tuition at home by two of our volunteers to enable them to catch
with others of their age. We are pleased to report that all have made
excellent progress so far.
3 The
two schools that we are helping are in the Mahottari district, a junior
school in Dhanusha and a junior secondary school in Ramnager. We have
been helped by a number of schools in the UK, educational materials have
been donated; a school had a 'day' when year 9 students were given the
opportunity to prepare posters and other articles for the Ramnager school.
Click here to see a few photos
from our September newsletter. These we have shipped out and delivered.
The picture shows one of our volunteers in Nepal explaining to the students
and staff what they have been given. In addition with the money donated
we had whiteboards installed in all the classrooms in both schools. Click
here to see a few videos of the arrival and delivery in Nepal from our
December newsletter. We now have volunteers who are going to visit
the schools on a regular basis to help provide supplementary education
for the girls who need extra help.
4 There is the vital issue of hygiene, education and the fact that poor toilet facilities are a great deterrent to girls attending school. We are seeking ways to improve the facilities in this area for the schools we are supporting.
5 We have been inspired by the work of COSAN
and intend to develop programmes to empower lower caste women in the area
in which we are working.
