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giving hope to students

giving help to teachers

giving shelter to a few

Introduction to Ashraya Nepal

Ashraya (Shelter) Nepal was established in January 2009 to give assistance to lower caste girls in Nepal by supporting their education and providing shelter.

2024 or 2081 in the Nepali calendar

Due to a variety of difficulties we were about to close the charity when a young student from Kathmandu approached us asking for help.

Aparajita Thapa has completed her Year 12 studies specialising in law and gaining an overall mark of 3.56 (where the maximum is 4).

An excellent result!

Unfortunately the family business has collapsed and funds are not available. Aparajita has just been offered a place at the Chakrabati College where the registration fee is 120,000 Nepali Rupees (approximately £750)

We have agreed to help her, to find the money so that she can continue with her studies

Any donation is most welcome. Our bank details are:

ASHRAYA NEPAL - UK, sort code 30-96-41, a/c number 01631912. Please make the reference Thapa24

Click here for recent news from Nepal

Click here for news about concerts given by Classical Bohemians

Our recent work
We have been assisting the Bal Mitra School for the past two years.
Bal Mitra is a primary school set up to provide educational opportunities for the poor families who have moved from surrounding hilly regions to the metropolitan area of Kathmandu.
A year one to five primary school we helped it to extend provision to year six by building a new classroom and extending the play area.
In addition we have provided computer hardware

Click here to read about our objectives and some of our achievements

Click here for our plans for fundraising this year
Lunchtime concerts and other musical occasions in Horsham, St Albans, Cheam and Paignton.
Click here for news of the next concert in Horsham
Cream teas and other events

Sales of Nepali products, click here to see a few of these.

We will be posting more details here soon.

Ashraya Nepal UK is registered with the Charity Commissioners UK, number 1144306